STNYC: Wellness

by Michelle Tibois

Hey there Sound Thinkers,

Does anyone else feel like January was such a long month and that it’s a relief to finally get to February? Now that it’s February, it’s come to my realization that we are only 10 months shy of a new year, 10 MONTHS PEOPLE!!

So one thing you should know about me, I absolutely love the month of February. Why? Two Reasons:

  1. It is the month that is known for showing appreciation and love to those so near and dear to you. What many people may not know or understand is that self-love also requires loving others. Loving others is also really great for your health. Kory Floyd, a professor from Arizona State University found that “communicating your positive feelings for others through words or actions offers a wide range of health benefits. These include lower stress hormones, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system”. Can you believe that? It pays to share love!

    How can we practice loving others, you may ask? Paying attention to the little things. A friend pulled an all-nighter and needs a pick me up, buy them a coffee. Your sister longs for a night away and needs a babysitter? Offer to babysit. Look for ways to make others smile, which means also getting to know what others enjoy/love and intentionally paying attention to who they are.

  1. Another reason I love February is because it’s a time to celebrate African-American history! Black History Month is dedicated to the excellence and greatness that African-Americans have contributed to society. The holiday began as a way of remembering important accounts and events of the African diaspora. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a scholar who worked his way up to receive a PhD from Harvard, made it his mission to write books dedicated to sharing African-American history and giving it importance (he is also the reason we have a thing as Black History Month). Black History Month first began as a week, and after much hard-work and advocating, became a month.

    I can remember as I was growing up, my mother would clean the house and she’d always play a lot of Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson and Prince. Listening to songs like When Doves Cry, Freeway of Love and Remember the Time influenced my music taste in such a rich, positive way and gifted me with opportunities to explore my voice through these inspiring people. It was influential to see people of color have platforms as musicians, singers, songwriters and artists and use that platform to create change, build conversation and promote unity and community.

    During February, take time to find out more about the interesting things that this month has to offer, and information about who played major roles in the formation and growth of American culture.

    Here are some links:

    Did you know? Black History Facts 

    28 Ways you can celebrate Black History Month (BHM)

    Popular Black History Month books


In sound thinking,


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