Making a Difference
CAT changes lives. We see this every day in our work. We hear it from educators, young people, parents and caregivers. Interactive, issue-based drama is potent stuff. Done well (and we are proud to do it exceptionally well), it has the power to reach people’s hearts and souls.
And our work does just that. Taking part in CAT workshops brings people to new perceptions about themselves and others – and often motivates them to achieve ambitious goals.
A boy gains inspiration to become a leader:
One day, my friends and I were going to jump a girl. But your program showed me that fighting isn't the only way to solve a problem. I told my friends to leave the girl alone, that fighting wasn't the way to deal with her. Now, whenever we see that girl, we try our best to keep away from her. I think differently about violence. Thanks very much and keep it going strong.
A teacher is moved by the growth in her students:
Once in a great while, magic happens in a classroom. Your gifted and talented messengers of drama-in-education never failed to create such magic. Quiet, shy students opened up before our eyes. Sensitive, creative students demonstrated their gifts and talents. The experience of teamwork in solving our problems had a wondrous effect on our class's cohesiveness.
A mother succeeds in creating a home atmosphere that supports her children’s academic growth:
Things have certainly changed in my house since I’ve been attending your parent workshops!
Metamorphoses like these are why we do what we do. We know that people have the potential to think…imagine…and succeed. That we can support them in these activities is deeply gratifying.
November 7, 2022
Read about the positive impact of our BURBERRY INSPIRE partnership with NYC and Yorkshire Arts Organizations